Aquatic Center Facility Policies - Crafton Hills College-九州体育平台入口

由于空气质量不佳,九州体育平台入口校园将于10月1日关闭.  All classes and services will be available online only.

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Management Policies and Pool Rules

  1. 九州体育平台入口(CHC)的水上人员、管理人员、职员或救生员 可以开除任何不符合此处列出的规则或张贴在 the area. 
  2. 在CHC水上工作人员检查泳池化学品之前,任何人不得进入甲板 and facility for safety hazards. 
  3. 行人道、门道及泳池线不应被泳者装备阻塞; storage reels, water polo nets, etc.
  4. 将池放回组最后一次使用时发现的原始状态 pool (covers, flags, lane lines). 
  5. 患有或怀疑患有传染病或传染性疾病的所有人 疾病、咳嗽、感冒、发烧、溃疡或开放性伤口是不允许的 in the pool.  Bandages are not allowed in the pool. 
  6. Appropriate swim attire required. T-shirts, jeans, street cloths or cotton materials  are not allowed. 
  7. 屏气仅限于一次呼吸或一次单圈. 
  8. All swimmers must be potty trained; no diapered children allowed in the pool.
  9. 不允许在泳池甲板上吃东西、嚼口香糖和喝水. Bottled water is ok.
  10. 严禁吸烟、嚼烟、饮酒或吸毒. Smoking 只允许在靠近游泳中心停车场的指定区域活动.
  11. 任何参加绕行游泳的人都必须能游完一段距离 unassisted. 14岁以下的儿童必须有家长在场.
  12. CHC lap swim hours are for lap swimming or water exercise. Participants in CHC lap swim are prohibited from providing coaching or lessons.
  13. No spitting or urination in the pool or on the pool deck. 
  14. 严禁奔跑、推搡、玩马等高危行为.
  15. 玻璃,尖锐的金属物品或玩具不允许进入游泳中心.
  16. Animals and pets are not allowed in the aquatics center. Certified service dogs with appropriate paperwork are an exception.
  17. 游泳设施内禁止使用自行车、溜冰鞋或滑板.
  18. 不允许使用横幅、海报、标志或任何其他形式的广告 without prior approval by CHC management.
  19.  任何破坏学校或设施的行为都是犯罪行为,将被视为 such. This includes writing on the bottom of the pool.
  20. 使用该设施的租户、用户或组有责任保护该设施 from damage. 如因任何原因造成损坏,用户须自行负责 costs of repair. Costs shall be determined by CHC.
  21. CHC is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen items. The CHC aquatics center does not maintain a lost and found. Valuable items (keys, wallets, cell phones, etc.) will be turned over to campus police.
  22. 如果灯在早晨或晚上熄灭,游泳池必须立即关闭.
  23. Maximum capacity of the pool is 247 persons.

Pool Covers

  1.  当泳池盖上任何覆盖物时,游泳者不得在水里.
  2. 当取下防护罩/车道线并将防护罩放在卷轴上时,必须锁定 place for safety and per manufacture guidelines.
  3.  当取下或放置泳池盖时,不应有任何松动 items (example: clothing, strings or towels).
  4. 所有用于游泳池盖和车道线的卷轴必须推回其存储位置 and remain there until their time of use.
  5. 在使用覆盖线/车道线卷轴后,卷轴必须被覆盖.
  6. 除非CHC人员另有指示,否则盖子应放在游泳池上.

Coaching/Parent Policies

  1. 教练负责了解CHC水上运动中心的规章制度 their group's participants. It is the responsibility of the instructor or coach in charge to enforce the rules and regulations.
  2. 所有游泳/运动员须由一名持证救生员直接监督; USA swimming, or USA Water polo carded coach at all times. Coaches should have their 指导他们出示身份证明给CHC工作人员、卫生检查员或官员 if requested.
  3. 参赛者必须由所属团体的教练陪同,方可进入水上运动中心 organization.
  4. 家长和观众不得进入露天看台或草地 on the pool deck.

Diving Policies

  1. Diving is not allowed from the side of the pool. All pool side entries must be feet first.
    1. 例外:作为正式指导或训练的一部分的有监督的潜水指导.
  2. 起跑台只能在合格运动员的直接监督下使用 instructor or coach. 

Weather Policies

  1. 泳池将保持开放,除非救生员/教练看不到对岸或泳池 由于雨、雾或其他天气状况,池底.
  2. 如遇雷电,泳池将立即关闭 直到最后一次打雷或闪电发生后30分钟才能重新开放.

Locker Room Policies

  1. No one under the age of 18 is permitted to use locker rooms.
  2. Only CHC students and staff are allowed in locker rooms.
    1. Exception is YST Morning Masters 
  3. Food is not allowed in the locker rooms. 
  4. CHC is not responsible for lost, broken, or stolen items.
  5. 使用储物柜的CHC学生和员工必须将储物柜交给CHC游泳工作人员.
  6. 学生及教职员的个人物品可存放在储物柜内,以备日后使用.
  7. CHC学生和员工的个人物品可能会被保管一夜或一个学期 special circumstances.
    1. 过夜或学期使用必须得到游泳中心工作人员的批准.
    2. 用户必须提供自己的姓名、电话号码、储物柜号码、锁组合或 key and reason for requesting overnight/semester use of locker. 
    3. Items must be removed at the end of the semester.
  8. 储物柜未清理过夜使用将有锁切断和物品放置 lost and found.
  9. 所有供CHC学生和员工使用的储物柜必须上锁. Locks are the users’ responsibility.
  10. 禁止携带违禁物品、毒品、枪支、刀具、火柴、打火机等 对人员或设施造成伤害、死亡或破坏的物品 be permitted in the locker rooms. 
  11. Locker inspections will be periodic and recorded.  Users will be notified and must grant CHC access to their locker. 
  12. 如果被拒绝进入或用户不在场,CHC将认为储物柜已被遗弃 for locker inspection.
  13. Lockers left abandoned will become CHC property. Lockers not cleaned out by the end of each semester will be considered abandoned. Any items found in locker room or abandoned lockers will be put in lost and found.  Items that are not claimed from lost and found will be disposed. 
  14. Locker room showers are to be turned off after use.
  15. 更衣室可能会变得非常滑,进入时要格外小心.